WebSite Project

Stack: Python3.10-3.11, Lua, FastAPI, Pydantic-V2, SQLAlchemy-V2, Pytest, PostgreSQL16, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Redis, Celery, AioBoto (for S3), Langchain, Pytorch, Pandas, Numpy

  • Engineered Robust ETL Service: Developed and managed an efficient ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) service that improved data processing speed by 50%, ensuring seamless data integration and high performance.
  • Architected Scalable Solutions: Designed and implemented a scalable backend architecture that supports extensive data workflows and complex processing tasks.
  • Integrated Advanced AI Capabilities: Integrated service with multiple large language models (LLMs), facilitating seamless and efficient AI-driven operations across various applications.
  • Leadership and Mentorship: Led and mentored a team of five junior developers, fostering a collaborative environment and significantly enhancing their technical skills and productivity.